About the course

The course offers lectures and hands-on experience in the interpretation of 150 contrast enhanced CT coronary angiograms as well as multiple non-contrast coronary calcium scans. Live recorded cases of 25 CT scans will be shown. Cases will be reviewed on Terarecon workstations (one delegate per workstation).
The course provides hands-on training on 150 cardiac CT courses to support the requirements for level II accreditation as defined by the British Society of Cardiac Imaging and the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography.
Topics covered include:
1: Optimal imaging: practical physics and imaging protocols – how to acquire the optimal study at the lowest radiation dose?
2: Optimal use of viewing workstations
3: Cardiac anatomy
4: Systematic evaluation and interpretation of cardiac and non-cardiac findings
5: Imaging of ischaemic heart disease with multimodality correlation
6: Coronary artery anomalies
7: Imaging of coronary artery bypass graft disease and coronary stents
8: Imaging of valvular disease and cardiac failure
9: Cardiac tumours
10: Congenital heart diseases
11. Electrophysiology and TAVI planning
12: Non-cardiac findings
Attendance at scanning sessions at the Clinical Research Imaging Centre can be arranged.
This course provides 35 CPD credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College
of Radiologists
Onsite course fees: Consultants: £2500, Trainees: £1800
Online course fees: Consultants: £2300, Trainees: £1700

About the online course:
The online course offers the same set of lectures and hands-on experience.
Every candidate has individual access to Terarecon software and will be able to evaluate the cases during the live training sessions.
The minimum requirements are a broadband connection with an average download speed above 10mbs and a standard Windows or Macintosh computer.
Cases will be reviewed on Terarecon workstation (every candidate has individual access).
Please feel free to contact us for clarification.